Day 12 - Final presentations and demos, goodbye activities
This final morning started in the lecture room with presentations of the final results of projects at the workshop. Giacomo started things off by reminding people to put stuff on the CCNW cloud for posterity. Chiara reminded everyone to give credit later to the workshop and to all the partners in the projects (and it is good to write down their names now so no one gets left out). Andreas talked about the specifically funded hardware neuromorphic group at the Telluride neuromorphic workshop (NIC) this year, to think about applying to participate in 2025. Jamie Knight showed GeNN running a simulation of the ellipsoid body which was done by Gabriel and XXX and im plemented in preliminary form on their robot with its impressive dome sky polarization sensor. Next Gabriel (Gabi) and Thomas talked about SPIXER (spiking event on robot XXXX) implemented on the robot and last night very late ran experiments under starlight on the tennis court (fueled in part by beer). Thomas showed laptop and ...