Day 7 - Control Theory in biological and artificial networks, Elisa Donati, Matej Hoffmann, Jean-jacques Slotine, Rodolphe Sepulchre, plus Allen connectome dataset
today's authors: Eleni Nisioti, Muhammad Aitsam, Tobi Delbruck Giacomo has been collecting statistics on workshop participant interests: After a weekend filled with a fancy dinner, a late-night venture to Alghero and a boat-trip along the Sardinian coastline, we return to the lecture room for the discussion that will probably contain the most equations. Our hotel seen from the boat We started off with a more theoretical/computational perspective and, then, switched to a more biological one. The first speaker, Rodolphe Sepulchre from KU Leuven (sitting to the right of Emre Neftci in photo above), who began by drawing a table with two columns: computation and adaptation. Rows were different examples from these two approaches. For example, the first row contained ChatGPT on one column and the smart grid on the other. These are examples of engineering systems that both work at large scale, but they do so differently. Rodolphe said ...